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Gambler Liar
00:00 / 05:10

Written by Franck L.
Lyrics : Franck L.
Arrangement by Franck L.

Intro Rap

You buy everything and anything

You use it for an hour and you forget about it

What’s the point of all this !

The beautiful house, the beautiful motorcycle

The beautiful car, in your life

No great adventure

What’s the point of all this !

Is it for the future ?

You play, black Jack, poker, table roulette

Slot machine and Baccarat !

You com home at impossible hours

What’s the point of all this !

What’s the point of all this !

What’s the point of all this !


Intro Bis (Chant)

But, there is so much to see

Many people to love

So many things to feel

Something else less futile

Other more useful things


Couplet 01

Listen to me, and sure you will ear

Please look at me, and sure you will see

You can touch me, and sure you’ll feel me

Looking for me, sure, you’ll find me here

Why you like this ? The game, the girls

You loose always ! Always the fake pearl

But you told me you will be better, liar

How I can believe liar

If you thing you love me

Then, prove it just for me


Refrain 01

Liar, I can’t believe in you anymore

Cheater, I won’t be your game anymore

Writer, I can’t read your blank page anymore

Rider, your ghost horse do not live anymore

Fighter, your punches are so poor anymore

Hider, no, you won’t hide to me anymore

No, no I don’t want that !


Couplet 02

Can follow me, you’ll not in wrong way

You can show me, we’ll be on same day

If you don’t change, sure, I can not stay

You are so strange, your life is so gray

Are you stupid ? To break everything

You are lucid, to know anything

And you told me, always be better, liar

How I can live in liar

If you tell i love you

Then, prove it, just for you.




Refrain 02

Liar, I can’t believe in you anymore

Cheater, I won’t be your game anymore

Writer, I can’t read your blank page anymore

Rider, your ghost horse do not live anymore

Fighter, your punches are so poor anymore

Hider, no, you won’t hide to me anymore

No, no, no  I don’t want that !

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